Watch more Magic in this video of the Double Layered Moroccan Dress

Watch more Magic in this video of the Double Layered Moroccan Dress

Since the video of the Moroccan Magic Dress went viral on our facebook page with over 4.9 million views, the demand for this fabulous versatile dress is unstoppable.

Mesmerized by the model in the video showcasing six of the styles the magic dress can be worn, in less than one minute, women from all over the world fell in love and wanted that dress. Our inbox overflowed with demands to know where the dress could be purchased, the cost and if it was available in more colors.

Since then we were happy to announce that the Moroccan dress is available in 10 different colors yet we didn't stop there. In the midst of developing and moving to our new marketplace we managed to add even more variety to this magical dress.

Not only is the Moroccan Magic Dress now available in all sizes from small to XXXXL, there is an option to order the dress with fringe, with sleeves, in denim and even different patterns.

One of our customers wrote that once at a party she changed her initial style when going to the bathroom flabbergasting everybody when she came out. How cool and hilarious is that!

So to give you even more options to astonish people at a party or wherever you go with your fabulous Moroccan Magic Dress, we created a few more videos. Not only to inspire you to please do these tricks and email us but also to showcase that the versatility of this fabulous garment is not limited to just six styles. Of course you are more than welcome to send us your exclusive creation. We will be happy to feature you if you send us your video!

So please watch the video and tell us which style you are likely to try next and share it with the rest of the world. To order now go to to place your orders.

Moroccan Magic Dress vibrantly versatile


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