5 exiting reasons why you should become a WhatNaturalsLove.com member
Going-Natural.com and WhatNaturalsLove joined forces with vendors, creators and online merchants to offer you a membership that allows you a VIP experience and maximizes your dollar while shopping with us. Here are five super exiting reasons why you should join us.
Free Top Selling Items: As a member you'll receive a top selling item from our store every other month. Remember the Microfiber Towel that everybody loved and were gone in a second? That is the kind of experience we like you to have as a member, over and over again.
Brand New Brands for Free: As some of our top generous vendors are eager to let you know what they have in store, you will be the first to try brand new products and yes, it is completely free for members.
Latest Gadgets: As innovation is at a all time high, you as a member are first in line to receive the latest (hair) tool or gadget that you never knew you could live without. Seriously, nothing is off limits.
Free Shipping: All the items that you receive as a member will be shipped to you for free. So you don't even have to worry about shipping, your membership will just send you gifts for free.
- 1st Sales offers: Sales are usually limited but as a member you don't have to worry about that either. As a member of WNL, you will be the first to receive sales offers. On top of that you can get extra discounts.
Believe it or not you get all of the above for only $9.99 or $34.99 quarterly.