Free products for Testers, Reviewers and Influencers
Do you like to try new products for free, do you like to review new products, are you or do you want to become an influencer? If either one is you, you should sign up now! Our vendors will happily send you free products in return for your review.
So for only a small registration fee of $9,99 per month we will ship you a least one free product ever other month. You don't even have to pay for shipping and you'll have plenty of time to try and review it. That's it. Seriously, that is it!
What free products you can expect?
You can expect anything that you see on this site and more. That means anything! From a hair towel to mascara but also jewelry even products that are not even listed yet. Some vendors will send you products before they launch their store but one thing you can be sure of is that you'll receive high quality items that you will be elated about!
So what do you need to do? Nothing but signing up. Just fill out the form below and lets get started.