Dance ritual for the ceremony of the ring shout

You got the right, the video that gets a lot of traction

Scroll down for the second video.

This video that I recorded in July of 2012 at the Weeksville Heritage Center gets a lot of traction these days. I even got a request for the rights. That sounds very promising so I thought I would share. 

'You got the right to the tree of life' was a mesmerizing performance an audience enjoyed on the grounds of land, purchased by African Americans investors in 1838. The goal was to create a landowning community. The song, the dance, the rituals seemed to bring it altogether.  

About the performance:
RUN MARY RUN: Jubilee Curator and choreographer Rashida Bumbray's newest installment of her dance work, RUN MARY RUN : Jubilee, considers the harmonic ideas and tonal vocabulary of the McIntosh County Shouters.

Creating an active ritual for the ceremony of the ring shout, Bumbray and the performers take us on a ride through the cosmologies of the Low Country, Geechie Sea Islands, Tennessee Blues, P Funk, and Hip Hop.

This iteration of Run Mary Run is developed in collaboration with Dance Diaspora Collective and special guest master dancer, Adenike Sharpley, Professor, Oberlin College. 

Please share your thoughts. 

Miss Rashida Bumbray's Facebook page


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